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With this unique piece in simple light grey supermatt, combined with a lively orange, i show life and its paths. Each column is made of massive steel. Every single one stands for an age group which is divided into childhood/youth, middle age and experienced age. On the left the childhood, on the right the experienced age. By the possibility to adjust each column in light colour and mode with the mobile phone, it is possible to assign each age group its colour.

On the painting / scratching i show the paths of life. The black, grey and white paths stand for the paths of the general public, whereas the oranges show the own path.
The path shows a long straight line, which is reinforced by sinking and rising lines. The paths of life. Sometimes up, sometimes down. But never back.


"It is possible to shine at any age.

In every color you want.
Just because you're old doesn't mean you can't shine anymore.
Just because you're young doesn't mean you're not mature enough to shine.

I'm aware that one day the light will fade. But as long as I live, I will shine."



Length = 1600mm  

Height = 830mm 

Depth = 420mm


Length = 1600mm                           Height = 830mm                            Depth = 420mm

7900 CHF

7600 CHF

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